I know the east coast of Africa is far from the U.S. but before you give up on it and cross it off your bucket list for good, hear me out.
Going on a safari is completely worth the 24 hour trip to get there. I know it blows all of your vacation time but a safari trip through Kenya and Tanzania is unlike anything else you’ve ever done and probably ever will do. It really is worth taking your 2 weeks of vacation all in one trip.
First of all, spending your days getting up close and personal with wild animals like leopards, elephants and buffalo is a truly magical experience. You’ll see hippos fighting and lions hunting zebras but not through a screen on The Discovery Channel. With your own two eyes! And often within 100 yards of you.
And let’s talk about the lodges! Even the budget safari lodges are amazing. When I took a budget safari in the summer of 2017, I didn’t know what to expect. But every lodge from the tented ones to the cabins impressed me more and more. So many of them have that old, early 1900s safari feel with an updated twist. I spent many days laying around gorgeous pools while spotting pumbas!
If all of that didn’t spark your excitement, here are 15 photos to inspire you to book that safari and have the trip of a lifetime.